
Definition of Speech-Language Therapy

Speech-language therapy services are those services necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of swallowing (dysphagia), speech-language, and cognitive-communication disorders that result in communication disabilities. Speech-language therapists treat disorders of speech sound production (e.g., articulation, apraxia, dysarthria), resonance (e.g., hypernasality, hyponasality), voice (e.g., phonation quality, pitch, respiration), fluency (e.g., stuttering), language (e.g., comprehension, expression, pragmatics, semantics, syntax), cognition (e.g., attention, memory, problem solving, executive functioning), and feeding and swallowing (e.g., oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal stages). (ASHA, 2007a)

Speech and Language Therapy is an autonomous health profession devoted to the delivery of clinical services, to the conduct of research that will further our understanding of normal and disordered human communication, and to the education of students preparing themselves to enter this profession and related professions. Speech and language therapist play key role in multi disciplinary team. SLT promote, protect, treat and/or manage a person(s)’ physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual and environmental health and holistic wellbeing.

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